
目前顯示的是 5月, 2018的文章


Cover Letter What should include? 1.            Address detail 2.           Contact detail 3.           Short intro ( F    using STAR ) 4.           What make you a good candidate 5.            Why this opportunity and institution ( F   Do your research!!) 6.           Conclusion ( F   Indicate your desire for a personal interview) 7.           Signature ( F   下一頁接上 CV) Note w    為每個公司、每個職缺量身打造,通用版 won’t work w    Don't repeat your CV w    Try to limit sentences beginning with 'I'. w    Keep formal and use active words  w      Using STAR   ☆ SITUATION (in my work experience at…)    ☆ TASK (the aim was...)    ☆ ACTION (to do this...)    ☆ RESULT (the output were used to develop improved working practices.) CV (=resume) What should include? 1.            Contact details 2.           Education and Qualifications ·        If work experience were sparse → write more about research experience and research