
Cover Letter

What should include?
1.           Address detail
2.          Contact detail
3.          Short intro (F  using STAR)
4.          What make you a good candidate
5.          Why this opportunity and institution (F  Do your research!!)
6.          Conclusion (F  Indicate your desire for a personal interview)
7.          Signature (F  下一頁接上CV)

w   為每個公司、每個職缺量身打造,通用版won’t work

w   Don't repeat your CV
w   Try to limit sentences beginning with 'I'.
w   Keep formal and use active words 
w    Using STAR
 SITUATION (in my work experience at…)
  TASK (the aim was...)
  ACTION (to do this...)
  RESULT (the output were used to develop improved working practices.)

CV (=resume)

What should include?
1.           Contact details

2.          Education and Qualifications
·       If work experience were sparsewrite more about research experience and research skills
·       chronological order

3.          Work experience
·      organization\ job title\duty or achievement
·       most “relevant experience” stand out

4.          Key skills
·       Communication, interpersonal & teamwork
·       Time management & organisation
·       Problem solving
·       Motivation & leadership
·       Creativity, flexibility & openness
·       Confidence & assertiveness
·       Global awareness (文化知識)
·      IT literacy

5.          Active interests
·       有生產力的
·       有合作關係的 (e.g. 划龍舟、球類運動)
·       避免自己獨樂樂者 (e.g. 讀書、聽音樂、打電動)

6.          Reference
·       說明與推薦人的關係
·       One academic and one work related
·       Character reference (需要一個相當了解你的推薦人)

7.         Social media profile (Digital footprint)
·       FB, IG, Blog Must up to date!!

w   CV’s hot point: top 1/3 of the A4 paper
w   Font: Arial, Calibri, Georgia, Tahoma, Verdan
w   Size 11 
w   Line space 1
w   1 A4 page

參考資料: 2018/5/24 [演講] 如何寫出接軌國際的履歷及求職信 by周樹華老師




